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Carbon 11 PRO KIT: Hydro Dipping Pro Tools and 3 m² Hydrographics PVA Foil

Kit for beginners and professional productions, In the package you will find 3 m² (square meter) Water Transfer Printing Hydrographics PVA Film (1 sheet of 300cm x 100cm) and PRO Kit Tools, 3 spray cans of 400ml with the necessary Activator, base primer paint and varnish for protection and finishing. (Aerosols)

Hydro Graphics WTP, active for more than 10 years and we learn new things every week. We send a manual with explanation and instructions with every order. Our team is also ready for you! We can be reached every working day during office hours for help and instructions. (Also on Whatsapp, if possible we answer 24/7) *Don't forget to order our HGWTP Activator, without it you will not be able to successfully complete your Water Transfer Printing Productions! (included in all kits, and also sold seperately)

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