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Original price was: €29,90.Current price is: €27,49.

Hydro Dipping Activator Spray – 400ml Aerosol – Doublepack

Hydro Dipping Activator Spray double pack for use with Hydrographics PVA Foil Activates the ink in seconds, providing a comfortable time window for dipping.

Perfect balance between user-friendliness and adhesion!

Packed as a spray in a handy Aerosol Spray Can, ideal for DIY home Hydro Dipping projects.

What does the Hydro Dipping Activator do

The task of the Hydro Dip Activator is the on the Hydro Dip Make foil printed ink completely liquid. By applying the Hydro Dip Activator to the printed PVA Foil, it activates the ink through a delicate chemical process, the previously printed ink dissolves completely and becomes liquid again like fresh ink. The formula of the Hydro Dip Activator has been carefully balanced so that it does not affect the PVA Foil, the printed image and the colors of the ink during activation.  

How does using the Hydro Dipping Activator work?

The PVA Foil is placed on the water so that it can absorb water and 'dissolve' it. You must always wait a while before applying the Hydro Dip Activator, the PVA Foil needs some time to absorb enough water. However, the ink from the print on the PVA foil does not dissolve automatically in water, this requires the Hydro Dip Activator! The Hydro Dip Activator must be applied evenly over the entire surface of the Hydro Dip Foil. Hold the spray can or paint gun at a slight angle of approximately 30° while spraying. The angle is to ensure that the PVA Foil and therefore the print moves as little as possible over the water due to the spray pressure while applying the paint. Hydro Dip Activator. When sufficient Hydro Dip Activator has been applied, the print will have a mirror effect. Be careful not to apply too much Hydro Dip Activator, if too much Activator is applied the image will be watered down and the print will not adhere properly to the object to be Hydro Dipped. If this is your first time trying the Hydro Dip process, it is wise to do some test dips first to get a better feel for the exact amount of Hydro Dip Activator to apply to the PVA Foil. If things go wrong during the Hydro Dip process,
you can always contact our customer service via Whatsapp, with some simple photos of the results we can usually quickly see what went wrong and how to correct this.  

What is the difference between the Hydro Dipping Activator Spray and the liquid Activator for use with a paint gun?

The formula of both Hydro Dip Activators is 100% identical, the only differences are the packaging and the method of use.  
  • The Hydro Dipping Activator Spray packaged as an Aerosol is ideal for DIY home Hydrographics projects. The spray can is immediately ready for use, but always shake well before use!
  • The liquid Hydro Dipping Activator for use with a paint gun in a liter container is for the professional Hydro Dipper, and can be applied more quickly to larger surfaces, for example.

What makes our HGWTP Hydro Dipping Activator unique?

HGWTP Hydro Dip Activator activates the PVA Foil in a few seconds and then provides a comfortable time window for Dipping. The components that liquefy the print are aggressive as they should be. But at the same time the formula is perfectly balanced with the sublimating components that guarantee rapid evaporation, thanks to this balance the risk of washing out of the print will be significantly reduced. To ensure that the print sticks to the object as it should, the formula of our Hydro Dip Activator contains unique adhesive components that guarantee optimal results. The HGWTP Hydro Dip Activator is always color neutral, so the print is in good hands! The perfect balance between volatility and stickiness, with our formula your Hydro Dips can hardly go wrong!  

Tips for the safe use of Hydro Dipping Activator

Read the instructions for use carefully. Always ensure good ventilation of the work area. Preferably wear protective clothing such as gloves, long sleeves, protective glasses to prevent splashes in the eyes and a mouth mask for extra protection of the respiratory tract. Store the Hydro Dip Activator in a cool and dry place before and after use.  

Customer experience is very important to us!

We guarantee (fresh) PVA Foils of the best quality and the most user-friendly Hydro Dipping Activator. The process must be tackled step by step and with calmness, and with our activator formula we have made the process as easy as possible! Some comments from our customers that we are proud of: 'We never want anything else', 'the golden egg!', 'How difficult it used to be with that other thing.